Tuesday, April 30, 2019


OK. I've been off the blogging bender for a long, long, time. Basically, I'm just reintroducing myself to the platform, the process, and the mechanics of getting in here and posting. It's been so long that it took me 15 minutes to find it! I finally referenced bikini barista bellevue, based on the fact that I knew I had posted about that before. What came up was an article from November 2009 which gave the name of the stand... Knotty Bodies. I googled that which led me to an article from France 24 in which my blog was quoted when trashing the news of it's closing. I have no idea why France 24 was reporting on the closure of a latte stand in Bellevue WA. but, I was excited as hell to be in a French publication! Thankfully, it actually provided a link to the blog and here I am! Hey, France 24! Let me reciprocate in kind! https://observers.france24.com/en/20091125-bikini-baristas-booed-bellevue-knotty-bodies-washington So, now I've found it. The Voice of Reason. Boy do we ever need a voice of reason these days huh? I look forward to espressing (that's a joke, get it?) my opinions, sharing my observations, and releasing my pent up rage over the current condition in what used to be the #1 country in the world. Be advised... I can be crude, rude, and vulgar as hell. But I don't view it as vulgarity. I view it as punctuation. I look forward to posting regularly. It's therapy.... Hugs, Common Sense (You can call me Mr. Sense or The Other Common)